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A Clean, Organized Workspace = Increased Productivity!

Erin Meyer • February 18, 2013
How many times do we reach for that certain file or important document only to find it missing or misplaced?Commercial Cleaning How many times do we waste precious minutes looking for pens or writing pads or other supplies necessary to complete simple office tasks? If you find yourself spending more time looking for things that you need to do your job and you are frustrated by the lack of productivity it might be time for more drastic measures. Set  aside a designated day for your entire office to reorganize and restructure. Tell employees that this will not be a business as usual day but rather a day to dress down, clean up and reorganize the entire office space. Provide a lunch for fun and allow a casual, up beat approach to the task at hand.
Everyone will appreciate the time set aside to get their office, desks, files and shelves in order for a new office look. This kind of time is rarely provided and workers usually have to set aside time after work to attend to this task.
Before you begin to clear your office be sure you have everything you need. Go shopping for office supplies that might be depleted. Who doesn’t recall how much fun it was to have all new supplies every fall as the new school year began. The same feeling can transform your office and renew worker morale. Be sure to provide new file folders, pads, new pens, sticky notes, cleaning solutions and garbage bags.
Office cleaningPrepare to throw away old stuff. Old files may need to be shredded or filed away in non-active file cabinets. Active files need to be placed in alphabetical order and filed neatly away. You will need to clean all desk drawers and remove items from your shelves to determine what you need and what you can discard. Save master and legal documents and store all tax records. Create a space for everything that you need to keep and make sure what you need most often is highly accessible.  While this may take more then one day, the four to six hours you devote to this task will get you well on your way and everyone in the office will feel refreshed and energized by the newly organized office space.The other advantage of this organization day would be to de-clutter your facility so that your Professional Cleaning company can do a better job cleaning your office space. Most Professional Cleaning Services do not touch desks if there is papers or stacks of work sitting out in order to not disturb the employee’s process.  If the des is clean and neat it will allow for the cleaning team to dust and disinfect the workspace and allow for a healthier environment.  Consider starting a scheduled day every six months to attend to this important task and evaluate its effectiveness at the end of the year.
Cleaning and organizing your facility will make your job more efficient and productive. Gator Cleaning Services would love to help you with all your everyday cleaning needs and maintenance.  We work with you toward the ongoing success of your company and the productivity of your staff.  Keep a clean and healthy workplace has been shown to increase morale and productivity of staff up to 30%. 
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School restrooms can often be overlooked and taken for granted, but they are a vital part of the educational experience. From providing a safe and comfortable space for students to take care of their hygiene needs to create a sense of community, school restrooms play an important role in the daily lives of students. In this blog post, we'll discuss the importance of school restrooms, the challenges they face, and some ways to improve them. As mentioned, school restrooms are an essential part of a student's day. Not only do they serve a practical purpose, but they also help create a sense of community. By providing a safe space for students to take care of their needs, restrooms are an important part of fostering a sense of security. Unfortunately, school restrooms are often neglected and suffer from a lack of resources and maintenance. This can lead to dirty and even dangerous restrooms that can cause health problems for students. Often times students communicate the need to wait until they get home to use the restroom. This can be because the restrooms are dirty, lack of toilet tissue or paper towel, or fixtures are broken or inoperable. Fortunately, there are some simple ways to improve school restrooms and create a safe and comfortable environment for students. One way to improve the restroom experience is to be sure the restrooms are regularly cleaned and maintained. This includes ensuring that all facilities are in working order and that any issues are addressed in a timely manner. In addition, the restrooms should be stocked with adequate supplies, such as soap and toilet paper. Ultimately, school restrooms are an important part of the educational experience and should be given the attention they deserve. By implementing these simple steps, schools can create a safe and comfortable environment for their students.
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