Main Line (Mon-Fri 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.): 813-929-1122
After Hours Line (After 5 p.m.): 727-410-1352
It can be difficult to see your children go off to school or daycare. For working parents, finding a sitting service that they feel confident with and trust can be a daunting task. As an owner of a daycare or childcare and education facility, it is important to be able to express to parents how serious and reliable a facility and staff can be. One way this is accomplished is through the level of cleanliness that is presented. In recent times, with the rising return of concern regarding measles and respiratory viruses among children in many states, including Florida, it is imperative that daycare and childcare facility owners take every precaution available to help ensure the health and safety of their wards.
Commercial Cleaning Services Offer Play Area Sanitizing
In addition to routine cleaning, either by staff or outside services, the investment into directed and intense sanitizing of indoor playing areas is a simple and cost effective measure that care facilities can implement. Most cleaning services offer this sort of task as an optional or included component in their cleaning contracts. Some can even offer assistance with cleaning outdoor equipment as well, though it may require additional charge depending on the size and composition.
Parents Want Assurance
In addition to routine cleaning and play area sanitizing, being listed among a facilities attributes, parents want to be able to see signs of such. When touring a facility, if floors are littered with debris, seem dingy, or if there is visible accumulations of dust, seeds of doubt will often be planted. These seeds can grow into a lack of trust and result in the facility loosing business. Even in non commercial settings, such as public schools, parents are less likely to donate extra time or resources with there are signs that the janitorial staff cannot keep up with the dusting to a reasonable degree.
Displaying Proof Is Beneficial
In addition to employing a top notch cleaning service to keep a child care facility clean, displaying a badge that advertises the company responsible can help impress and assure parents as well. Companies that have a strong reputation among the community can not only build even more reputation by being acknowledged, they can also mutually benefit the institution by being a positive assurance. A positive sign indicates that the building is maintained by a reliable company of specialists that have more than proven themselves in their field is something that most parents will take note of.
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