Main Line (Mon-Fri 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.): 813-929-1122
After Hours Line (After 5 p.m.): 727-410-1352
Washing machines are a wonderful invention. They make lives so much easier in the home, allowing people to simply pop their washing in, then leave it to get on with the job.
However, when they break, these ingenious machines can abruptly turn into your biggest nightmare. These machines are designed to be filled with large amounts of water whilst in operation, and as a result, when they break, you’ll inevitably get huge amounts of water all over the utility room or kitchen floor.
Washing Machine Malfunction: What’s the Real Problem?
It’s bad enough that your machine has broken down and that you may be faced with the prospect of having to buy a new one. However, that’s not where the problem ends. Significant amounts of water in the home can cause real issues. Here’s just a few reasons why.
After the Flood: What to Do After Your Washing Machine Floods
Added Peace of Mind: Call the Flood Restoration Experts in Tampa Bay
Regrettably, it’s incredibly difficult to dry out everything after your washing machine floods. Even if you think you’ve managed to get rid of all the water, it’s likely that it will have seeped into areas that you cannot reach; which can result in the development of mold.
To make sure that your home stays mold free and undamaged by flooding, get in touch with Gator Cleaning Solutions today. We’ve got state-of-the-art equipment, custom-designed to rid your house of excess water and moisture fast. We’ve also got the necessary products to treat any mold that may have started to form. You can talk to us on 813-929-1122.
The post Washing Woes: What to Do if Your Washing Machine Floods appeared first on Gator Cleaning Solutions.