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Brighter Futures: Improving Academic Performance with Cleaner Schools

Erin Meyer • May 8, 2014

3225255_sThe primary objective of educators and school administrators is to provide students with the education they need in order to succeed, and recent research indicates that success is determined by more than just the content of a curriculum. The overall cleanliness of classrooms and campus facilities can and does impact a student’s academic progress. In fact, the Association of Higher Education Facilities Officers has released the results of just such a study in their Custodial Staffing Guidelines for Educational Facilities , and the data reported indicates just how important a role facility cleanliness plays in the overall academic progress of a student body.

Setting Students Up for Success

Dwindling budgets and a chronic lack of funding can have far-reaching implications for both students and educating staff. Looming budget cuts often force school administrators to find areas in which cutbacks are less likely to negatively affect students, but emerging data indicates a lack of cleanliness can be detrimental to students’ academic progress. In fact, school cleanliness was placed in the top five of the most important environmental factors for personal learning by the students surveyed. In order to help students achieve their goals and maximize their learning potential, administrators should make a point of allocating an adequate amount of their operating budget to promoting and maintaining campus cleanliness.

How a Clean Learning Environment Affects Academic Performance

Lack of cleanliness presents a very real distraction for students in a variety of ways. Conditions students perceive as unhygienic can cause concern over personal health, which distracts them from their primary goal of academic progress. Rodent or insect infestations stemming from lackluster standards of cleanliness can also be a direct distraction. When students are focused on the potential of illnesses, are suffering from allergy symptoms or otherwise distracted by insufficient cleanliness, they’re not reaching their full academic potential.

Reaching enrollment goals and helping students to succeed to the best of their ability requires a clean and tidy campus. Working with a cleaning company who understands the crucial role of cleanliness in an academic setting can help school administrators reduce distractions and improve the overall performance of their student body.

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