Main Line (Mon-Fri 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.): 813-929-1122
After Hours Line (After 5 p.m.): 727-410-1352
There is no question that school budgets are not only difficult to navigate but alsoincredibly unforgiving. If you look at a school like a business (which you should if your speaking of budgets) it would be next to impossible to provide a high quality service or product your customer with very few financial resources and an expectation that is not only measured but anticipated each and every year! School administrator
s have the difficult task to solve this puzzle with budget cuts at an all-time high!
This is why many are having to learn how to do more with less.
Don’t let reduced and demanding budget scare you away from partnering with a commercial cleaning company that can help you create a quality cleaning program and still stay within budget! Gator Cleaning Solutions has had a successful school cleaning partnership program for over a decade. We thoroughly understand the demands of your critical environment and the need for specific benchmarks in your school cleaning. Let us visit your campus and develop a program that will help you maintain a healthy learning environment you can be proud of!
Get an A+ with a clean and well-maintained school. Show students, staff and parents thatyou operate in an orderly environment, that you are committed and have great expectations for students, parents and staff and support them with the foundation necessary to make it all happen. The right school cleaning company can make your job much easier. Now is the time with summer just a couple of short weeks away, take advantage of our summer cleaning program to get your facility looking great before the incoming classes arrive in early fall!
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